Free, On-Demand
Buy Box Monitoring

Our free Chrome Extension gives you real-time, on-demand reports with accurate insights into
Buy Box status and pricing across multiple ASINs.

Skip the Manual Buy Box Checks

Tired of clicking through listings one by one?

Simply add your ASINs to the ASIN Manager, and set your expected buy box winner. Generate the report and get instant insights.

In less than 2 minutes per day you’ll be on top of all your ASINs – no more noticing late and losing money over a lost buy box!

A delivery address used on Amazon will be taken into account by fern Buy Box Monitoring when generating the report (zoom in on the column "Postcode")

Accurate and reliable insights

The Buy Box winner can change based on delivery location, Prime membership, or even whether the shopper is logged in. You control the specifics of each Buy Box check: Set the delivery post code directly on Amazon and get the precise insights you need.

Easy Setup, Fast Monitoring

Get started in minutes, no complex set up needed.
Use the CSV import to upload your ASINs in bulk. Then, change the number of tabs opened, and experiment with how fast you want the report to run.

fern Buy Box Monitoring menu showcasing an example of the Settings, which allow the user to adjust the number of tabs opened.


Influence our roadmap with your feedback. Vote for features you like or submit your own ideas. If enough people vote for an idea, we'll build it!

What others are saying

"Previously, I spent nearly 6 hours a week manually checking ASINs across EU5 marketplaces to identify Buy Box losses. With fern, it's now just 45 minutes a week – including report generation and client updates!"

PPC Manager at Melody Agency

"I've been using the Buy Box Monitoring Chrome Extension for a few days, and it’s been super helpful for accounts with lots of ASINs losing the Buy Box daily. It's already saving me so much time!"

Amazon Ads Manager at This is Unicorn

Stay on top of the Buy Box – take action fast before it affects your bottom line!

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